Metric Information Form  
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The metric information form contains two tabs: general and tracking.  
General Tab  
A brief title for the metric
Identifies the Goal or Dream that owns the metric (or None if it is a standalone metric.) You can use the Set button to change the owner.
User-definable category value for each metric to aid in grouping
You can specify a recurrence pattern for the metric to help you remember when to take the measurements. Use Set Recurrence to create the pattern.
Has Reminder
If you want to be reminded of the metric when the recurrence dates arrive, check the box, otherwise leave it unchecked.
Reminder Time
Determines what time the reminder for the metric is displayed on the dates of the recurrence.
Enter a description for the metric
You can describe the reasons why you are keeping track of this metric. The better the reasons you are tracking it, the more motivated you will be to keep it current.
Tracking Tab  
The tracking tab allows you to specify the type of metric you are tracking, set objective and/or contribution targets, and modify the individual tracking entries.  
Specifies whether the metric is currently active or not
Use the question to help you describe what it is that you are measuring. For example, your question could be 'How many times did you exercise this week?', 'How many miles did you run this week?' or 'What is your current weight?'
If applicable, you can describe the units of measure. Examples include pounds, miles, dollars, minutes, etc.
Type - Selects the type of metric that you want to use. The following metric types are supported:  
In a cumulative metric, each new tracking value adds to the growing total. For example, if you are trying to save money towards some goal, you would use a cumulative metric so that your contributions each week are added to the growing total.
In a total metric, each new tracking value represents the new total for the metric. For example, if you are keeping track of your weight, you would use a total metric so that your entry each week represents your new total weight.
In an instance metric, each new tracking value represents a completely independent instance. For example, if you want to measure how many miles you run each day, you would use an instance metric since each entry is independent of the others.
Objective target
If you have a target you want to reach, check this box and enter the target value in the 'Value' textbox
Contribution target
For cumulative and instance metrics, you can define contribution targets in addition to any objective targets. The contribution target is your target for each new tracking entry.
For example, if your goal is to save $200 a month in order to go on a $2000 vacation, your objective target would be $2000, and your contribution target would be $200. The following contribution target values are available:  
Don't use a contribution target
Use the default contribution target for each tracking entry
By Weekday
Specify a different contribution target depending on the day of the week where the metric is measured
The new contribution target is automatically determined based on previous contribution targets (see below)
Automatic contribution target fields:  
Auto-increase type
Indicates whether to increase/decrease by percentage or amount
Auto-increase amount
Indicates the amount to increase/decrease (either percentage or actual amount). Use negative values for decrease.
Auto-increase from
Indicates the value to use to generate the new target (either the previous target or actual contribution)
The automatic target should not be below this value
The automatic target should not be above this value
Tracking values  
You can use the tracking values grid to add, delete, or edit tracking values for the metric. Each tracking value can specify the date of the entry, the target (if any), and the actual amount being measured.  
Tracking entry target values are meaningful for contribution and instance metrics, where you have an individual target for each entry.  
They are not as useful for total metrics where you just record the new total in each new entry.  
See Also  
Using Achieve | Metrics Tab | Goal Setting Overview | Dreams | Goals  

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Other resources
See also Time management and personal goal setting guides to make better use of your time and learn how to set and achieve your important goals.
Time management software : daily planner : goal setting software : definition of time management