Effexis Affiliate Program


Affiliate Marketing Tips

This page describes some ideas to help you get started selling our products through the affiliate program. You may want to use one or more of these methods in your marketing.

The most successful affiliates use several strategies to 'pre-sell' their visitors before referring them to the vendor via their affiliate link. Doing this correctly can significantly increase the conversion rate of your referrals because they are already sold on the product and are more receptive to the sales message.

Here are some ideas you can use:

1) Give your own testimonial about results that you've achieved -  
If you own the products and have experienced positive changes as a result, your own testimonial or "success story" is a great way to promote the products.

You can do this using an endorsement letter to your list, or by publishing your testimonial/success story to your blog/website.

2) Write a review or evaluation of the products - A review is also a great way to 'pre-sell' visitors on a product. Write it in your own words and explain what you liked about the product. Focus on the benefits that the product provides rather than just the features. Add graphics or illustrations where appropriate.

Also, don't go overboard with praise for the product because visitors will be able to see right through it. In many cases, describing a few shortcomings of the product and how you work around them can boost your credibility and sales.

3) Add regular text links to your web pages, articles and blog posts - You can casually mention the software or book as you write your articles and blog posts, just replace the regular link that you would have used with your affiliate link.

You can also include text links in your navigation bar, your links page, and in "other resources" sections of your website/web pages.

4) Use banner ads and other graphics - Banners, book covers/box shots, screenshots and other graphics are good support materials to include in your website.

While you can use banner ads by themselves, successful affiliates note that it is words more than graphics that 'pre-sell' your visitors. My advice is to use graphics to support your sales copy, and use banner ads only if you don't have space to put words.

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